Remember, you don't need a special Holiday to pick up a nice piece of Fine Art Photography! Anytime, is the Right Time! However, that being said, Valentines Day is fast approaching!

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West Pierhead Sunset Photograph by Rod Best

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Comments (13)

Dale Kincaid

Dale Kincaid

Congratulations! Your fantastic art has been chosen as a GREAT LAKES LIGHTHOUSES Group feature! You are invited to archive your work in the feature archive discussion.

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Outstanding composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L … Voted for this piece in the contest SUNSETS

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Outstanding composition, lighting, shading, and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the contest YOUR VERY BEST PHOTOGRAPH

Rod Best replied:

Thanks Gary!

Jennifer Jenson

Jennifer Jenson

Beautifully done, Rod! The colors and light are incredible! l/f

Rod Best replied:

Thank you Jennifer!

Lynn Marie Sharp

Lynn Marie Sharp

Beautiful sunset! L/F

Rod Best replied:

Thank you Lynn!

Dimitry Papkov

Dimitry Papkov

revisiting this beautiful shot

Rod Best replied:

Thanks for checking it out again Dimitry!

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Outstanding sunset composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the contest SUNSET

Rod Best replied:

Thanks Gary!

Neli Stoyanova

Neli Stoyanova

Congratulations on being featured on the home page of the FAA Group “Everything Sunset.” I am proud to display and promote your talents. Please post your featured image in the group's discussion thread so it remains available for viewing in the group.

Renata Natale

Renata Natale

Very beautiful!

Rod Best replied:

Thank you Renata!

Angelo Marcialis

Angelo Marcialis

Congratulations, your Fine Art Photograph is a FEATURED IMAGE this week on the Home Page of the FAA Group; ‘The Magic Hour Of Blue And Gold Photography’. To ensure that your feature is archived properly, I invite you to post your photograph in the group's “Featured Photographs And Thank You Thread #10- August/2021”, and to create your own ‘Thank You For the Feature’ promotional thread.

Jordan Hill

Jordan Hill

Congratulations your photograph has been featured in the FAA Group ‘The Outdoor Photographer' You are invited to post your featured images in the Group's 'Thanks for the Feature / photo archive.

Alex Lapidus

Alex Lapidus

Congratulations, your image has been featured in the Lighthouse Group -- thanks for sharing it with us!

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West Pierhead Sunset by Rod Best
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