Moonset Sunrise and Lake Smoke
by Rod Best
Moonset Sunrise and Lake Smoke
Rod Best
Photograph - Photograph
A serene lakeside scene is captured with a wooden gazebo standing over calm waters under a soft morning light, with the moon still visible in the sky. Along with the moon setting, the sun is rising simultaneously, causing lake mist to rise off the surface, adding a tranquil quality to the landscape as the gazebo and pier reflects perfectly on Lake Neatahwanta's surface in Upstate NY.
May 8th, 2024
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Comments (11)
Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! I'm happy to announce that your excellent photographic art has been proudly featured on the home page of the Camera Art Group! You are invited to archive your feature in Group Feature Archive: July 1, 2024 - September 30, 2024 discussion.
Sonyah Kross
Stunning picture!! The reflection on the water looks perfect! I love the contrasts of colors...congratulations!
Gary F Richards
Awesome Moonset Sunrise and Lake Smoke composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! Congratulations on your very deserving features! F/L
Kay Brewer
Dreamy and beautiful! I love these tranquil colors. Congratulations on your selection as a Special Artist of the Week in the Your Best Work group! l/f
Soraya D'Apuzzo
CONGRATULATIONS! You have been selected "Special Artist" of the week!!! Your amazing work of art has a special section in the "Your Best Work" group HOME PAGE for 1 week. Please add this work to the discussion section in the group. Thank you!