Remember, you don't need a special Holiday to pick up a nice piece of Fine Art Photography! Anytime, is the Right Time! However, that being said, Valentines Day is fast approaching!

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A Mid-Summer Evening Photograph by Rod Best

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Comments (9)

Sherilyn Harper

Sherilyn Harper 14 Days Ago

Beautiful midsummer evening with sailboat Rod

Rod Best replied:

Thank you Sherilyn!

Harry Beugelink

Harry Beugelink

Great minimalistic image. Beautiful colors and composition

Rod Best replied:

Thank you Harry!

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Magnificent Sailboat Watching Sunset capture, lighting, shading, lovely colors and artwork! F/L voted

Rod Best replied:

Thanks Gary!

Maria Faria Rodrigues

Maria Faria Rodrigues

Congratulations, on Honourable Mention, in MINIMALISTIC PHOTOGRAPHY, contest! v/f

Rod Best replied:

Thank you Maria!

Rod Best

Rod Best

Thanks so much Kay! Your vote is very appreciated!

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Outstanding! Voted your entry in the Minimalist Photography contest. l/f

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Spectacular capture, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L … voted for this piece in the MINIMALIST ART - ONLY contest!

Rod Best replied:

Thank you Gary. Sorry I am responding late, but somehow a bunch of my FAA notifications were going to my spam folder! Hopefully it's fixed.

Irina Sztukowski

Irina Sztukowski

Rod! Congratulations on your sale! Irina

Rod Best replied:

Thank you very much Irina!

Stefano Senise

Stefano Senise

Nice! Congrats on your sale! :)

Rod Best replied:

Thank you!

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A Mid-Summer Evening by Rod Best
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