A Beautiful Morning

by Rod Best
A Beautiful Morning
Rod Best
Photograph - Photograph
A beautiful way to greet the new day on Oneida Lake. This gazebo that is beautifully landscape with flowers and trees, set against an amazing sunrise with a light mist rising off the waters of Oneida Lake is Upstate NY. This really is just about as good as it gets folks!! I invite you to get up and watch the sunrise. It is the most peaceful, wonderful time of the day!!
July 6th, 2021
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Comments (9)

Jennifer White
Congratulations your wonderful photo has been featured in the Panoramas Group. You are invited to post your featured image in the featured image discussion thread as a permanent place to continue to get exposure even after the image is no longer on the Home Page.

Gary F Richards
Spectacular composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the contest SUNRISE AND SUNSETS

Angelo Marcialis
Congratulations, your Fine Art Photograph is a FRIDAY SPECIAL EDITION FEATURED IMAGE on the Home Page of the FAA Group; ‘The Magic Hour Of Blue And Gold Photography’. To ensure that your feature is archived properly, post your photograph in the group's ‘Featured Photographs And Thank You Thread #9- July/2021”, and your own ‘Thank You For the Feature’ promotional thread.

Gary F Richards
Outstanding composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the contest SUNRAISE.